Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Muscles Gallery

A few pictures of men with big muscles

Amazing person... really big muscles
big muscles

Man with really good back muscles
big muscle man

That's real body building!
man with extreme muscles

How to Get Big Muscles

Most of people want to have big muscles and always asks "how to get big muscles".
That's not so easy guys, you should know that! If you want to have big muscles you have to train seriously and to put your body on a diet.

You should eat only healthy food and you have to train seriously in the fitness clubs. You should have your individual fitness training program and according to it to eat what you need and how much you need.

If you want to get big muscles fast you should give some money for bodybuilding supplements - they really help if you are using them regularly(at least 1-2 months, but the best result will come after the 3-4 months).
To get big muscles fast you should:

-eat properly
-train seriously
-get bodybuilding supplements

If you do that, after a few months your body will be changed, and everyone will notice that!

4 foods that will help you to increase your weight

Healthy food for bodybuilders

As you know the food is really important and it can help you to become muscular or to make you fat and to devastate the lost time in fitness clubs. Maybe you know that the fitness training is just 1/3 of the fitness training and gaining big muscles or relief. The other 2/3 are the recovery from the training, and the supplements and the healthy food.
In this article i will show you a list with 4 foods which you should consume if you want to help to your body to gain big muscles.

gain big muscles with eggsGlairs(white of egg)
The glairs are used by most of the bodybuilders. The reason is that the correlation of protein and grease is 60:1. The white of egg is the most healthy way of gaining proteins. One glair contains 50 calories, 84% proteins, 8% carbohydrates and 0% fats!

big muscles thanks to fishFish meat
The fish is really important for gaining mass and your body will be supplied with omega-3 which will help you to increase your muscles and mass. Also the canned fish will help you if you haven't got enough time for preparing fresh fish

chicken and big musclesChicken meat

If you want to gain massive muscles your menu must include chicken or turkey meat. It will give you the needed proteins without any harmful greases. You can consume chicken meat all day, because, because it contains really less fats!

gain big muscles with waterWater!

The water is one of the most important things in our bodies.

70% of human's body is water, that's why the water is so important. Our muscles and tissues contains water and one of the most important ingredients in our blood is water.

If you want to gain massive muscles you should take about 5 litres water a day. That is the suggested by the bodybuilders and fitness trainers. The good hydrogenation will make your muscles to seem bigger and massive

What are bodybuilding supplements ?

Bodybuilding Supplements

Bodybuilding supplements usually are used by professional athletes.
The supplements help to gain muscle mass and muscle relief.
A lot of young people are going to fitness and they want to become more attractive with their bodies and that is the reason why they are using supplements. They want to become stronger faster and easier, but you know that if you only use bodybuilding supplements you will not become so strong... you need and fitness exercises.

Bodybuilding supplements just will help you to make the body from your dreams thousands times faster !

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Extreme Muscle and Fitness

Welcome to

Extreme Muscle and Fitness

Extreme Muscle and Fitness
That's just a blog for the people who want to be good-looking and which are addicted to fitness and gaining muscles.

Extreme Muscle and Fitness will give you ALL IN ONE:
Fitness programs for men and women
Tips for accumulating muscle mass
Burning fats thanks to fitness exercises
Fitness supplements
... just everything you need for your dreamed body.

Extreme Muscle and Fitness